Tuesday, August 12, 2014

the dark night of the soul


                                                                when the night is dark
                   remember morning always comes
               just when the blackness presses in hard
                           dawn slowly lightens
                               the eastern edge of the sky 
                                     from gray to red
                                to orange to yellow
                         culminating in radiance of sunrise

                so too is hope slowly renewed

                     as His gentle touch pushes the
                            dark night of the soul away

                              the soul must hang on

                                     to this hope
                               even when desperation
                             is covering like a blanket
                       and emotion drowns out reality

                             I understand the darkness
                              for I have been there
                     I have waited for morning
                feeling all is hopeless
           I have dreaded evening
                  knowing night lies ahead

                                 yet even in the darkest

                           night of my soul I was not alone
                      He was holding me close
                  whispering words of love
              singing over me
                          He used HUMAN touch
                             to remind me of HIS touch

                     so to the soul feeling the darkness

                I pray you surround yourself with
                         those who love
                         those who care
                         those who remind you
                               that you are not alone
                               that what you feel is real
                                   but will not consume you
                         allow His gentle touch to push
                  the dark night of your soul away
             He loves you with a love
                 wide and long and high and deep

                 hear His words:

                   "fear not for I have redeemed you
                   I have called you by name you are Mine
               when you pass through the waters
                            I will be with you
           and when you pass through the rivers
                   they will not sweep over you
               when you walk through the fire
                     you will not be burned
                     the flames will not set you ablaze
              for I am the LORD, your God
                 the Holy One of Israel your Savior"
                               Isaiah 43:1-3


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