Friday, August 8, 2014

Psalm 42

                          Psalm 42
         "As the deer pants for streams of water,
             so my soul pants for you, O God.
         My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
             When can I go and meet with God?"

                   this morning I looked
                        for streams of water
                              my heart needed God's touch
                        my spirit was dry
                   my body weary

          "My tears have been my
               food day and night,
          while men say to me all day long,
                "Where is your God?"
          These things I remember
                as I pour out my soul;
           how I used to go with the multitude,
                leading the procession to the house of God,
           with shouts of joy and thanksgiving
                among the festive throng."

                              tears have fallen like rain
                         yet where rain and sun collide
                    His gift of rainbows stunning
                                       a promise
                                            of hope
                          for as one life on earth ended ~
                      his spirit welcomed home by Jesus ~
      another life began as a baby took his first breath ~
                       hope in the cry of a newborn

          "Why are you downcast, O my soul?
               Why so disturbed within me?
          Put your hope in God,
               for I will yet praise Him,
               my Savior and my God.
           My soul is downcast within me;
               therefore I will remember You
          from the land of the Jordan,
               the heights of Hermon - from Mt Mizar.
          Deep calls to deep 
               in the roar of Your waterfalls;
          all Your waves and breakers
               have swept over me."

             I went to my mountain stream
                 expecting the trickle of water
                       which has lessened with each
                             passing summer day
                       as drought has overtaken the land
               I had forgotten the brief yet powerful storm
            of earlier this week ~
                  for in the valley rain was but a trace
                the moment I stepped out I heard it ~
                      the sound of waters rushing
                          my heart pounding as
                              I went to the source
                                 of all that sound
                        I stood I soaked it in
                   water furious spilling over 
                        power moving all in its path
                              waterfalls formed
                                 beauty in strength

             "By day the Lord directs His love,
                   at night His song is with me -
                   a prayer to the God of my life."

                 through rushing water
                     I heard His whisper
                        through water splashing
                              I felt His touch 
                   He reminded me I am not alone
                       His grace has carried 
                    His strength has sustained
                                His love knows no limits
                            His mercy no boundaries 
                       in my weakness He promises
                                 to be strong


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