Friday, August 15, 2014

a cloud on the horizon of the heart

             I see it
                I feel it
                   out on the horizon
                      of my heart

                         I want to will it away
                      I want to make it go away
                 mind over matter ~
            isn't that what they say?

                           like a shadow on the horizon
                       a cloud far in the distance
                   the heart knows the storm is coming
               the heart debates ~
                        try to push the storm back
                                      run away
                   this heart knows ~
                               the first is impossible
                              the second does not work

                    better to sit quietly and wait
                         wait not in despair
                            wait not to be consumed 
                                no ~ wait in HOPE
                                    for HE is hope defined

         "the Lord is my light and my salvation
                whom shall I fear?
          the Lord is the stronghold of my life
                of whom shall I be afraid?
          when evil men advance against me
                to devour my flesh
          when my enemies and my foes attack me
                they will stumble and fall
          though an army besiege me
                my heart will not fear
          though war break out against me
                even then will I be confident
          one thing I ask of the Lord
                this is what I seek
          that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
                all the days of my life
          to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
                and to seek Him in His temple
          for in the day of trouble
                He will keep me safe in His dwelling
          He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle
                and set me high upon a rock..."
                 depression can be the enemy of the heart
               no one physically attacking from the outside
           no ~ this battle is much more subtle
        although outward circumstances impact 
     in reality the battle lies within
                this makes it no less real
             the dark night of the soul IS real
          it does not mean the heart lacks faith
                 no ~ many times the opposite is true
                      as the heart clings 
                      as the heart listens               
                          the darker the night
                                 the more real
                                      His loving presence
                            the more intense the storm
                        the stronger
                    the roots of the heart will grow in Him

           storms will inevitably come in this life 
                  yet I know beyond a shadow of a doubt
                       just as my dad did
          "....that neither death nor life
                    neither angels nor demons
               neither the present nor the future
          nor any powers
       neither height nor depth
               nor anything else in all creation
          will be able to separate us from the love of God
                that is in Christ Jesus our Lord"



  1. Your faith is amazing and it wakes up
    My heart.

    1. Thank you ~ although my faith many times is weak I try to return to His promises...where hope lies.
