Friday, August 1, 2014

bubbles and butterflies

                                  In the hours before the call to come to
                           great grandpa's bedside ~
                                     before I knew
                                     what the next
                                     24 hours would hold ~
                        we were silly
                            we were laughing
                                while mommy went to work
                    we danced in front of the mirror

                 we took pictures with Belle
                    we walked to bring the trash out

                   we stopped to look at the new flowers
                        and even saw a butterfly

                      we walked back along grandma's
                               sometimes crazy street

                              we decided to blow bubbles
                        and the best part is making them

                              we love blowing bubbles
                           we love how they float
                       we love how they rest on the grass

                   we love how the sun makes
                         rainbows from our bubbles
                                 we love when bubbles do
                                           silly things
                                         just like we do

                        great grandpa would have loved
                    to watch us blow bubbles
                       that morning
               he would have laughed
                     with joy

          instead we got a call that made my heart
                   "your dad is in transition"
            at first I didn't understand
        "transitioning from this life to the next"
            then I understood
                  as soon as mommy could get back
                           to pick us up
                                we drove fast
                                     I ran in
                     I held his hand
              I asked him to squeeze my fingers


                         yet we talked to him
                             we sang to him
                             we prayed over him
                     great grandchildren played in the hall
                  making far too much noise
             yet I loved it
         for I believe their great grandpa could hear them
      olivia drew pictures
              the one of heaven rested on his blankets
                    all day and night

                   I was privileged to spend his last night
             here on earth sitting by his side
        I sang every hymn I could think of
                      I told him I loved him
                             I held ice on his head
                                    as his fever went up
               as the sun came up once again
                    there were no bubbles
                          no butterflies
                                 just family gathered
                             around the bed
                                    as his breathing
                           we sang
                   we sang every hymn we could think of 
               tears poured like the rain
           as I sang into his ear my tears drenched him
       we sang until no more breaths came
   then we sang the doxology
mom said how many church services he had ended
             with that very song throughout his life
                      as I walked out into the hallway
                              many of his nurses
                                  were crying
                       he was loved
                 just as he loved
            I saw his empty wheelchair
                        I took a picture
                              a wheelchair empty forever
             "praise God from whom all blessings flow
                 praise Him all creatures here below
                      praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
                   praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost"

              tears still flow
                 but oh how our hearts rejoice
                      for he is Home
              he now will see every bubble we blow
          he will see every butterfly ~
      especially the one that flew all around us
  as tina and rachel brought me home that night

          a reminder that my dad will always be with me
                   I love you, dad