Monday, August 18, 2014

be at rest, O my soul


              "be at rest once more O my soul
                  for the Lord has been good to you"
                            Psalm 116:7

            O My beloved....
                 be at rest
                     rest in Me
                                     notice the words
                                        "once more"
                 allow those two words
                    to bring comfort to your soul

                        when you find yourself struggling
                          know that I give rest whenever
                                 you may need it

                            I do not expect you to
                                 stay at rest perfectly
                          which is why I say
                    "Be at rest once more"

              in this moment you find yourself
                instead of
                at rest

             it is not that you doubt My goodness
           it is not that you doubt My presence
        it is not that you doubt My promises

                    no, My beloved....
         you are simply weary from the battle
                 right now you are even
                        to weary to wonder
                             what exactly the
                                  battle is

                       you are very aware that
                           I am at work in you
                    you are very aware that
                  at times My work is painful
            I am stretching you               
                 I am growing you                      
                      I am molding you                  
                                      the details are not
                                 of importance today
                            all I ask of you today
                     is that you rest in knowing that
                              you are held in
                                           My love

                                 My grace

                     My peace

                      that is enough
                               for I am enough

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