Thursday, August 21, 2014

starting at the end

                             "I say this because I know
                          what I am planning for you"
                      says the Lord
                 "I have good plans for you
             not plans to harm you
          I will give you hope and a good future
                 then you will call My name
                     you will come to Me and pray to Me
                         and I will listen to you
                             you will search for Me
                                 and when you search 
                                     for Me with all your
                                         heart you will
                                            find Me"
                                    Jeremiah 29:11-13

                     perhaps I am one of those 
                               hearts sometimes skeptical
                                      sometimes doubting
                                      sometimes convinced
                                   I know best              
                    determined to organize
                               to categorize
                               to place in boxes
                                   neat and pretty
                                     tied with ribbon
                                        color coordinated 

               it is at these moments I am most apt
                        to do harm to those I love
                              harm to myself
                              harm to my reflection
                                   of who He is 

                 I need start at the end ~
            "when you search for Me with ALL your heart
                           you will find Me"
                       for if I am truly searching for Him
                         I will have neither time nor need
                            to attempt doing what is
                                rightfully and only
                                               His to do ~
                        hold the universe in His hands
                    place and name each star
                keep the planets in orbit
            allow the moon to reflect the sun in its brilliance
                     cause ocean waves to know
                         exactly where and when to move
                              place rainbows stunning
                                   contrasting against
                                          clouds dark
                              hold each heart in His hands
                         walk beside behind before beneath
                    each heart
                whispering words of love
                                         hope for tomorrow
                 protecting each heart
            even in times when
        it is determined to find its own way
                   ears and eyes of the heart
                      closed to hearing His voice

                 how often have I not been there ~
                     stubbornly clinging to what I think best 

            yet by His grace I am able to raise arms empty
                     letting go of all those I hold dear
                           knowing He has a plan
                                a purpose
                             a future
                        for each precious heart


1 comment:

  1. Letting really is a hard thing, it doesn't come naturally...more natural to hold on to the doubt and go where the world is dragging us down to.
