Sunday, August 10, 2014

dance with dandelions


         do dandelions grow around Your throne?
            do You love these tiny sparkles of
            Your creation enough to have them  
                 grow around Your throne?
                                You love the least
                                         the broken
                                         the unwanted
                                         the abandoned

             so even the smallest of dandelions 
                 nestled in grass so soft
                      receives color so stunning
                           from Your rainbows of worship
                         beauty exquisite from Your hand
                  from seedling
                      to flower mature
                           to fluffy ball of more seeds
                       dandelions are Your work of art 

                 little feet
                 little hands
                 little fingers
                       run to dandelions
                   at the discovery of yet one more flower
                         each flower a drop of grace
                             stunning in simplicity
                                  from little hearts
                            dancing with dandelions

        yet seasons come when dancing with dandelions
                    seems impossible ~
                         hope feels far far away
                               from where you stand
             sadness like a blanket covers
                   it is then that He whispers
                        "My child
                             even when you cannot see the
                      I the Creator of 
                am right beside you
             nestle down into the softness of My arms
          listen as I sing over you
        sing to Me even as you hear Me singing
                  worship, My child, worship
                     winter does not last forever
                          you will once again dance with

                     I will choose to believe
                      that dandelions do indeed
                        grow around Your Throne


1 comment:

  1. What a blessing children are for you, Gods gift to keep you focused on His simple creations.
