Sunday, July 27, 2014


                      sand in little hands
                                fingers gripping tightly                                                                   

                                                a nylon string
                                in his hands
                            treasure from ocean deep

                                   sand covered legs
                                grin covered face

                             "Come to Me all of you who are weary
                              and carry heavy burdens
                          and I will give you rest"
                                             Matthew 11:28

                            He is speaking

                                 through the simple
                                       yet exquisite gifts
                                    of everyday life

                        He is speaking to my heart
                     through song
                  through word
                         through His precious touch

                       He speaks ~ I listen

                                    most of the time 

                        lately I have either not listened

                         or listened without obeying
                     (which technically is not listening)
                            that would be hearing ~
                                       not listening

                            so much going on around me
                         life seems to swirl
                          I know where my hope is found 
                     I know His strength is perfect
                                when my strength is gone

                           I know He calls me to come
                                to Him for rest ~
                            and I do come
                      but do I leave my burdens with Him?

                           usually I do

                                     (at least for a time)
                      lately I must admit I have not even
                               COME FOR THE REST

                    I have ignored what my body is saying

                            (technically screaming by now)
                         I have pushed aside the cries
                                         of my spirit
                     I HAVE NOT TAKEN TIME 
                                 TO BE STILL
                                       TO LISTEN FOR HIS
                       TO SPEND TIME UNINTERRUPTED
                                  WITH HIM

                   yet His grace pours down like the rain
                           His mercy floods over me
                                       in endless supply
                         gifts fall from His hand
                               as countless as
                                      grains of sand
                       rainbows stretch in color vibrant
                    ocean waves crash unceasingly 
                 wind caresses with warmth
                          sun wraps like a blanket
                                 little arms hug my legs
                             grown arms once little
                         give love and support
                    arms frail and weak and broken
                              are there to gently touch

                       all this in spite of who I am

                                          what I do
                                          where I go
                                 all this because
                            He loves me

                 thank you, Jesus



  1. Your words are such a blessing, such a reminder that even though God seems far sometimes, He's as close as your words.

  2. Many times I've struggled with "where are You" times I still do. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is as close as my heartbeat. Bless you!
