Friday, July 4, 2014

hush of angels ~ a song of worship

hush of angels bow at Your throne
           all creation stands in awe
                 angels by thousands encircle Your throne
                        they fall down at Your feet
                  "worthy oh worthy!
                          worthy is the Lamb that was slain
                                to receive power and wealth
                                      wisdom and strength
                                          honor glory and praise"
                                       as rainbows dancing flung across time
                             thunder rolls and lightning blinds
                  eyes are opened
          curtain drawn back
and all bow down in praise
                          "worthy oh worthy!
                                 worthy is the Lamb that was slain
                                          to receive power and wealth
                                                 wisdom and strength
                                       honor glory and praise"

           hallelujah! let us rejoice
               for the time of the wedding has come!
hallelujah let us rejoice
      salvation belongs to our God!

             "worthy oh worthy
         worthy is the Lamb who was slain
  to receive power and wealth
wisdom and strength
      and honor glory and praise"

About a month ago, God gave me this song. I was feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. I believe He gave it to me to remind me that He is always worthy of my worship...

that His desire for me is to live in worship...

 to live in each precious moment...

to live in pure thankfulness...

to live with simplicity of heart...

                                       to anticipate His touch
                           peek around corners
                walk on tiptoes
                              live on the edge
                                        hold your breath
                                                 keep eyes wide open
                                  let His touch 
                                surprise you
                             let His love
                          overwhelm you
                       live life on purpose

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