Thursday, July 3, 2014

ashes to beauty

if I were to try to describe the put into words how very far Jesus has brought me...fully aware of how far I have yet to go...words really seem quite do you take a heart and place it into words...yet with His help, I will try...following is a poem I wrote on New Year's Day, 2012...the moment that I found grace in the healing...and that grace falls like drops of mercy each day...

from ashes
       to beauty
            from despair
               to hope
a heart once broken
   now made new
                          fragile yet free
                              vulnerable yet whole

           the wedding celebration
                  can now begin
                                   the bridegroom
                                         waits for His bride
                                                 with great patience

               she has traveled many miles
               through rough terrain 
                           she dug through guilt
                                    she climbed through shame
                                              she waded through grief

         each time she thought
     "surely this must be the place
  where broken hearts are made new"

                               she knew the promises
                               she even believed the promises
          "He has covered me with clothes of salvation
                   and wrapped me with a coat of goodness
                          like a bridegroom dressed for his wedding
                                 like a bride dressed in jewels"

yet she never felt quite good enough...
        quite ready

she tried to make herself beautiful
   by trying on different gowns...
                    some of lace
                    some of linen
                                but none fit quite right

        "surely He must becoming impatient with me" she thought
               "I need to hurry...make something fit"

                         in time
                               in His perfect time
               her eyes were opened to reason
        nothing fit quite right...
the love the bridegroom had for her
    was a love she was convinced would not fit

"why?" she would ask
"why would He love me?"
                  another heart came alongside her
         walked through the pain of the past with her
        the tears
            the prayers
                 the honesty
                                  the courage to walk through the pain
                                           all came together

              she knew something was different

the bridegroom then wrote her a love letter
           still she struggled to accept what He was saying

                                finally she looked in the mirror 
                                and was able to see herself as He saw her...
                a beautiful 
                      radiant bride
                           the love of His life...
                                                        rather than the reflection
                                                              as she saw it

              she realized that her love for Him
        was as passionate as His for her

                she is ready for the wedding celebration to begin
            to fall into His arms with sweet abandonment

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