our Father who art in heaven...
look up towards the heavens
see the blank
staff paper
waiting to come to life
see the Master Composer
pick up His pen
key chosen
time signature chosen
first note written
each note wrapped
in the hug
of Abba
hallowed by Thy name...
as notes fly from
mind and heart
to fingers
to paper
His name is written
boldly across the sky for all to see
for the name of the
Master Composer
is indeed holy
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven...
phrases take shape
sweeping crescendos flung across the heavens
dropping to earth
in grace notes gentle
sharp staccatos
stunning harmonies
the Master Composer
weaving His will
His love
His story
throughout the composition
give us this day our daily bread...
the Master Composer
starts a new movement
the one to which the entire
composition has been building...
in a burst of
full orchestration
the dark of night
shines with vibrancy...
the composition comes to life
in the form of a baby
angels singing
notes penned
by the Composer
Abba writes His own sacrifice
the movement lasts for 33 years...
the composition
intricate in complexities
dynamics ranging from near silence
to fortissimo
bending the knee
throughout all
hearts grabbed
eyes fixed on the One
who is the Master Composer
written into His own composition
one dark cloudy Friday
the music
the mood
every note
every harmony
becomes solemn
filled with diminished chords
causing the heart to ache
as the Bread of Life
the Song of Life
the Giver of Life
is nailed to a cross
as He breathes His last
the music stops...
then starts again
with commanding
clarity and presence
for 3 days the composition
lives on in hushed
like rain
the Master Composer
arms furiously conducting
leads His orchestra
into jubilant
glorious shouts of praise
as the One who had died
is now alive!
notes of every color
are flung across the universe
created by the Composer
all nature joins the chorus:
where the whole realm of nature mine
that were an offering far too small
love so amazing so divine
demands my soul
my life
my all
the Master composer
in grace and love so breathtaking
entered His own composition
His own love song
so we would have a love song to sing
forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from the evil one...
the Master Composer
hands the pen to the composed
for the composition is interactive...
what melody will we write?
one of forgiveness and grace?
one of love unconditional?
will we write in the
key of the Composer?
with the same hues of love and tenderness?
with soaring melodies
reaching to the heavens?
arms open to receive the hug from Abba?
hearts open to share the love of Abba?
the Father already knows how His composition will end
for Thine is the kingdom
and the power
and the glory
I am just one melodic line
in His composition and that is enough for me
for with that melody comes
I am His child
I am filled with His power
what I do with the song He has given me
is a choice I must make
and I choose to live
with all the passion
He gives me
as I sing my song of life
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