Thursday, January 1, 2015

a year yet new

                 "...I want to know Christ and the power of
                  His resurrection and the fellowship of
                    sharing in His sufferings
                      becoming like Him in His death
                    and so somehow to attain to the
                      resurrection from the dead

             not that I have already obtained all this
           or have already been made perfect
         but I press on to take hold of that for which
             Christ Jesus took hold of me
                brothers I do not consider myself yet to
                   have taken hold of it
                     but one thing I do:
          forgetting what is behind and straining 
             toward what is ahead
                I press on toward the goal to win the prize
                  for which God has called me heavenward
                        in Christ Jesus..."
                            Philippians 3:7-14

                       these words I hold onto for 
                              a year yet new
                              a year yet fresh
                              a year yet untainted ~
                                   by me

                      the canvas yet unpainted
                    the manuscript yet unwritten 
                 the staff paper yet empty of notes
                                              of melodies
                                              of rhythms
                                              of harmonies

             so easily could I allow day after day
                              to slip by
                                  occupied with that which
                                      matters little
                               wrapped up in the
                           distracted by circumstances
                              both within and without 
                               my realm of control

                              so today (and each following)
                         I will choose
                    to live in the light of His love
               to give thanks in the light of His grace
          to play the part He has written for me  
                    in the symphony that is life
                          knowing that knowing Him more
                                 is all He asks...
                                        the Artist
                                        the Author
                                        the Composer
                                              of my life 
                                          who has already 
                       every corner
                   every breath
               every heartbeat
           from now until eternity



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