Wednesday, January 28, 2015

the battle is His


                       "listen King Jehoshaphat and all
                     who live in Judah and Jerusalem
                   this is what the LORD says to you:
                 'do not be afraid or discouraged
               because of this vast army
                    for the battle is not yours
                           but God's'"
                                   2 Chronicles 20:15

                        battles of the heart
                             battles of the mind
                                  battles of the spirit
                                      battles of the body
                       and battles fitting into no category

               battles as unique as the persons battling

                          armies vast sometimes visible
                                      sometimes not
                              the army battled within
                          perhaps more difficult
                       for a battle unseen
                     easy to ignore or judge

                        an army to one
                    not an army to another
                damage is done from the outside
            when the battler is told the army should
                               be conquerable
                    sometimes the army is a person
                                   or group of persons
                                 convinced they are right...
                              proving their rightness
                           often crushes the "unright"
                        leaving hearts bruised and bleeding
                               and Jesus weeps

                       He weeps for each heart hurting
                            no matter the army
                            no matter the battle
                                   whether large
                                   whether small
                                         visible or invisible
                                             HE CARES

                       oh the promise to be claimed...

                   "do not be afraid or discouraged
                       because of this vast army
                  for the battle is not yours but God's"

                  what relief for the battle weary soul...
                       He will fight the battle
                    the victory already assured
             perhaps not always the outcome longed for
    yet the battle is won for the battle is His and I am His
            oh the relief when I realize that He is enough
                       no matter the battle
                       no matter the outcome
                       no matter the circumstance
                  even if all were to be taken away
              for He is all in all and will hold my heart
           no matter what tomorrow holds

                  "if God is for us who can be against us?"
                                     Romans 8:31




  1. Beautiful pictures and words. Praise the Lord it is His battle not ours!

  2. Beautiful pictures and words. Praise the Lord it is His battle not ours!
