Monday, January 12, 2015

a princess for a day (living in His Kingdom)

                Oh to be a princess for a day
                       to dance
                           to twirl
                              to spin

                            life in an
                        imaginary world
                     for even just a day

                       in a princess world
                         all is well
                            until it is not well
                          and then someone comes
                             to rescue
                             to save
                             to help

                         oh a princess can be strong
                               sometimes with a
                         sometimes with a world
                  yet every princess
                        whether real or imaginary
                             searches for one thing...


               each princess (or prince)
                 truly is real 
                    with a
                       father who is King
                          with a 
               daddy who rules the world

                   a daddy who loves like no other
                                   king can
                              for He created
                          each princess and prince

              the story for each prince and princess
                 was written long before time began
                   by hands which would bleed blood so red
                      to save each princess and prince

                        when castles crumble
                     when moats run dry
                  when gold is scarce
                when fighting within the kingdom
                      tears the very fabric
                               of life apart
                our King whispers above the storm...

              "My daughter, My son...
                     oh how My heart longs
                  for your heart to understand...
                    to realize your true identity

            it matters not if your castle crumbles
          it matters not if materials are scarce
        it matters not if you own your castle or rent
              whether big or small
                   whether in a "good" part of the kingdom
                                     or not so good
                        or if you even have one 

            all that truly matters is LOVE

                  My love for you supersedes all
                        My love conquers all
                     My love IS all 
                if your eyes could see you as I see you
     if your ears could hear the truth about who you are
             and Whose you are
                   your life would be turned upsidedown
                          for My Kingdom IS an
                                 upsidedown Kingdom
                              where the last is first
                           where the poor is rich
                       where the least is most
                    where the matters of the heart
                are more important than
             fighting about how many swords you have
                      or whose armor is shiniest
         where My Kingdom is without buildings
       without castles that gleam and shimmer in the sun
    where comparison between kingdoms and castles
                 exists no more
                       for My Kingdom has no castle
                                     on this earth
                 it has only My princes and My princesses
                       My sons and My daughters

                        You are My kingdom

   yet until you can truly see that your worth and identity
            comes from who your Father is 
                rather than who you are
                  or where you are
                  or what you own
                  or what you do
            you will struggle to accept My love so priceless
           until you love Me with abandon as I love you
               the opinions of others in your kingdom
                    will matter more than Mine

               until you love one another with My love
                        the very fabric of your lives
                             will be torn to pieces
                                for My love must be
                                     the thread
                 oh My princesses and princes
                       My sons and My daughters
                             listen with your eyes 
                                 see with your ears 
                          remember your Father is the King
                      so dance and twirl and spin
                   as you live to love
                 and love to live"



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