Tuesday, January 20, 2015



                         I am in a season of searching
                     I am in a season of wanting more
                                  more of what?
                       for what am I searching?
                some days I am not exactly sure

                        He leads me to this verse...

                         "O God you are my God
                               earnestly I seek you
                          my soul thirsts for you
                               my body longs for you
                          in a dry and weary land
                               where there is no water"
                                       Psalm 63:1

                      I want more of God
                         I want to know His thoughts
                            I want to see His beauty
                                I want to hear His whisper
                              I want to worship in
                          adoration simple
                       on my face in the radiance of
                           His presence

                       I want to 
                           love with His love
                         touch with His touch
                           see with His eyes
                          hear with His ears
                        I want to know what this looks like
                               in my everyday life
                                   every day
                    I want to know what this looks like
                           in the life of His church

                   my heart searches and questions
                      we have made church complicated
                  we have made worship complicated

                         we are often 
                            willing to hurt the messenger 
                               because we don't like the

                 we claim to be ours
                  what really is His
                                       we want our way
                               when only His way is perfect

           we make the details of church
          more important than the One who died
                   so the church can live
                                               we argue
                                           we gossip
                                       we back stab
                      the list goes on and on 
                          and I am guilty

               my heart searches and questions
                  not always sure for what I search

                        but this much I know...
                          as imperfectly as I am imperfect
                            I want to seek Him
                                   to know Him
                                   to be more like Him
                                       wherever I am
                        to live in anticipation
                        to live in the light of His grace
                        to live counting gifts from His hand
                              cherishing all that is precious
                                   each sunrise
                                   each sunset
                                         each breath
                                         each heartbeat
                                all for Him






  1. AMEN. Beautifully shared my dear sister in Christ

    1. Thank you, my friend. Thoughts that just won't let me rest.

  2. Thank you for your post, beautiful words of thirsting for His presence, How the church needs this today!

    1. Thank you, Tim, for your example in this...God used you to help me learn what it means to hunger and thirst for more of Him.
