Sunday, December 28, 2014

nothing is the same

                 nothing is the same
                    a statement perhaps obvious
                        yet a statement profound
                     each moment new
                different from moment past
            some differ subtle
        others differ obtrusive 
                 some welcome
                     some not

                             what was no longer is
                          what held security no longer does
                      what seemed so right now seems not so
          change is living
             living is change
                  to live is to change
                        to change is to live

                                   I love the routine
                                   I love the secure
                                   I love the same
                             change tends to unnerve
                             new tends to frighten
                       yet He is changing not only around me
                    but IN me...
                  I ask "what is next?"
               He answers "I am"
            I ask "why am I here?"
         He answers "for Me"
      I ask "but where would you have me?"
   He answers "in Me"

                    He quietly whispers to my heart
          "My beloved...
               your thoughts focus on
                    what you do and how much you do
                         you so easily slip into
                               thinking you must somehow
                                     help Me plan your life...
                                          your ministry...
                                              your reason
                                                  for being...

                     nothing could be further from the truth

                  your worth is found in Me alone...
                         in My love for you
                             you are My bride
                                 you are My love

                                     My love is unchanging...
                                 the sun rises the sun sets
                            tides come in tides go out
                        rain falls sun shines rainbows shimmer
                    spring follows winter
                    summer follows spring
                    autumn follows summer
                    winter follows autumn
                all of creation shouts of My love
             all of creation whispers of My love
                        I am love
                    I am the same as I was yesterday
                        and will be tomorrow
                             hold on to this, My beloved
                           I know the plans I have for you
                         I know what tomorrow holds
                       all YOU need know is My love
                    look for Me in the simple
                     look for Me in the ordinary
                       look for Me in the everyday 

                         I want you to want Me
                             above all else
                                  as you rest in Me
                                      as you live in Me
                                          as you listen to Me
                                               you will cease
                                                  to strive
                                    your heart will quiet
                                your mind will clear
                            your love will grow
                       as you live in the moment
                   in the love story I penned for you
                with My nail-pierced hand

                      I love you now and forever"




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