Wednesday, December 3, 2014

the hush of stillness

                 the hush of stillness
                       anticipation heightened
                               hearts calmed
                               spirits quieted
                        a season of waiting
                 rain falls gentle
                    Christmas lights  
                           music soft
                               sings of a baby
                            a baby born one starlit night
                   as all heaven watched in breathless wonder
                          as angels rejoiced
                        and shepherds worshiped
                          the Savior of the world
                             Immanuel ~ God with us

                     something is different
                      someone is missing
                    I miss him still
                 I miss the red Christmas lights
                             I would hang in his room
                                  each Christmas at Inland
                                     the wreath on his door
                    I miss his smile
                       I miss his laughter
                           I miss our talks
                              I miss his prayers
                                  I miss his guidance
                but somehow it seems not right to grieve
                         he was ready to go Home
                       his body now whole
                     wheelchair now empty
              his Christmas the ultimate celebration this year 
               as he gazes into the eyes of the One
                 who came to us that starlit night

                         He understands my mixed up grief
                      and points me to
                   the hush of stillness
                      lying in a manger
                          as Immanuel became one of us ~
                              divinity wrapped in humanity ~
                              so we would know He is with us
                           and if He is with us
                         who can separate us?
                       and if He is for us
                     who can be against us?
              "for I am convinced that
          neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
            neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
     neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
  will be able to separate us from the love of God
                that is in Christ Jesus our Lord"

                    that same Jesus is the baby in the manger

                  that same Jesus is the One we hope for
                                            long for
                                      in this season of waiting
                                  God with us
                          and He invites us to return to the
                                   hush of stillness
                                 reflect renew restore
                              in the quiet
                        with the assurance that the one I miss 
                and the ones hearts everywhere are missing ~
        either those lived life long like my dad
  or those taken far too soon 
        like Autumn whose passing at the tender age of 3 
             leaves an aching void in her parents' hearts  
                              for now a 2nd Christmas ~
             these and all we miss
        are celebrating in a place of light love perfection                     dancing with the One who became like us
                            so we would know He is with us


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