Thursday, December 25, 2014

a whisper

                  a whisper
                       of love as night falls
                               the Savior of all is born
                                   come and worship
                                       with angels and
                                  a whisper of love
                               echos through all time
                            that silent and holy night

                            a whisper
                          brought time and space
                        into being
                      all creation brought to life
                    with His breath
                  a whisper placed planets in orbit
            stars by tens of thousands
          all a result of a whisper of love
        mountains oceans meadows rivers plants trees
      animals birds fish spoke into existence 
                 leading up to the Three in One saying
                      "let us make man in our image"
                 with a whisper He called each evening
               until the one time no one answered His call
            hidden in fear
            hidden in shame
          the plan of salvation set into motion

                  generations upon generations
                           born lived died
                                judges judged
                                    kings ruled
                                   prophets spoke
                          so often no one answered His call

                a Messiah promised
                      yet heaven was quiet
                             year after year they waited
                                             they wondered
                                           they doubted
                   with a whisper so intimate
                a young girl was told she would give birth to
              King of king
              Lord of lords
           as the Creator entered the created
        9 months passed as she whispered to her unborn
      a whisper of love to the One who loved her first

                    a whisper
                    a hush
                       that first Christmas night
                             a baby born
                                   a mother's whisper
                                         as love boundless
                                             lay in a manger

                       a whisper from heaven
                    wrapped in humanity
                 His whisper roared
                 His whisper sang
                 His whisper said come leave follow believe
                      some loved
                      some hated
                 all heard His whisper
             for His whisper left no heart untouched
                His whisper so passionate
                       even in death
                            His whisper silenced 
                                  as the enemy thought
                                        he had won
                               but oh he had lost
                           for the dead became alive
                        the whisper heard again
                     "do not be afraid"
                  "peace be with you" 

                    His whisper still echos

                        His whisper still calls
                             His whisper still whispers
                                  to come away
                               leave distractions even good
                           come kneel
                          come worship
                          come whisper
                               of love all consuming
                                       all encompassing
                                       all surrendering

                    come to the manger

                             in stillness
                                     in hush
                                            and hear
                                       His whisper as He
                                    calls you by name
                                 let His breath of heaven
                             breathe warmth
                         breathe peace
                     breathe life into hearts perhaps weary even tonight

  come and worship come and worship worship Christ the

                                 newborn King



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