Friday, December 12, 2014

O come let us adore Him

Rachel's blog post today...

God left me speechless today.  And in absolute awe of what HE is doing in our class.  Here is a little snapshot.
Wednesday we talked about adoring Jesus and how sometimes we can kneel before Him to show our adoration.  So, we sang “O Come Let Us Adore Him” all together on our knees and then prayed “Zambian style” (all at once out loud). Today, we were about to start devotions and then this happened.
Student:  “Teacher, we on knees today and sing adore him?  And then pray? Me: um, yes.
So we all kneel and start singing.  I wish you could hear it.  The song ends and I look up.  Everyone was kneeling and about half of the class was kneeling so deep that their faces are to the ground.  It left me in awe.  As I kneeled there speechless, I just listened to the prayers rising up around me, and I overheard this, all from the one student next to me that I could hear:

   “We give you glory.  God, you see me.  Me, I am no fighting.  We give you glory.  God, you are teacher, you teach me.”

Yeah.   He is good.  He is moving here. 

May we be as eager as these kids to adore Him! 

                 Rachel VanGent

                  O come let us adore Him
                         O come let us adore Him
                                 O come let us adore Him
                          CHRIST THE LORD

             words simple
               words profound 
                  every Christmas singing
                     every Christmas playing

                         yet. never. have. I. fallen.
                                on. my. face.
                          when singing these words

                   sweet kindergartners so far away
                          with hearts earnest 
                          with hearts sincere
                              worship the same baby Jesus
                                 as all who love Him
                                    the world wide

                           stars light the same sky
                     moonbeams gentle pierce the same dark
               the Light was born so long ago
            wrapped in cloths placed in a manger
               angels singing "glory to God"
                    shepherds singing "O come let us adore"

                  that baby born to die so each 
                      precious soul can live...
                          a more profound
                              story never told

                    precious kindergartners in Zambia
                 blessed with a precious young woman
              who gets it
           who loves Him beyond measure
        who shares love beyond measure with precious souls
                in a land far away
                        worshiping the One 
                           who became one of us
                               the One we adore this Christmas
                                    and always



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