path of the wind or the mystery of
a tiny baby growing in its mother's
womb, so you can not understand
the activity of God who does
all things." Ecclesiastes 11:5
the wind.
always moving.
always swirling.
always changing.
at times forceful,
moving all in its path.
other times gentle,
a caressing breeze refreshing.
invisible in and of itself,
yet visible when tracing its path.
and does that not describe our God?
His love is furious.
His love is glorious.
His love is relentless.
and ununderstandable.
for a love that pursues to the
last heartbeat
no matter how
far the heart
may have
is a love not
a love that took on
human skin and walked
the road to the cross as
Jesus walked willingly and
love held Him to the cross,
not nails.
and even the criminal hanging
on the cross beside Him
was not beyond the love
of the cross.
this is a love beyond
what this heart can fathom.
and as the wind blows
so moves His Spirit.
the Spirit cannot be defined.
the Spirit cannot be boxed in.
for the wind of the Spirit
moves and dances
twirls and spins
within hearts
willing to follow His lead.
for His love is the
and everything is because of
the cross.
His love and grace
pour over us
as waves of
mercy pull us
into His arms of love.
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