Friday, August 14, 2015

whispers and waves

                                        "even when there was no
                                      reason for hope Abraham
                                   kept hoping...
                               Abraham never wavered in
                            believing God's promise
                        in fact his faith grew stronger
                     and in this he brought glory to God
                 he was fully convinced that God is 
              able to do whatever he promises"
                                            Romans 4:18, 20, 21


                                   so there you are...
                                      a heart weary
                                      a heart desperately longing
                                             to believe what you
                                             know you believe
                                        because He promised
                                    it to be so
                                and He promised not only in
                            whispers so tender
                        oh no...He revealed
                        His promise in the
                        night sky as He
                     pulled back the curtain
                 and spelled the promise out
             with the very stars He placed in the sky
          at the dawn of time

                            and is that not exactly how

                         Abraham received the promise?
                      the promise that he would be the 
                   father of many nations...
                               that his descendants would
                               outnumber the stars in the
                               night sky...                   

                                     I wonder if his heart raced
                                  with excitement
                               for to have the promise fulfilled
                            it would mean a son...
                         a son so longed for 
                                  so prayed for
                              I also cannot help but wonder
                              how much time passed before
                                   his heart asked the question
                                   every heart would ask...
                                        "how long?"
                                              tears must have
                                                    flowed as time
                                                          marched on
                                              waves of sadness
                                         must have crashed
                                     over Abraham and Sarah
                                perhaps even feeling 
                           an entire ocean of waves
                      was sweeping the promise away

                                    yet Abraham kept believing

                               because he was fully convinced
                           God was able to fulfill His promise
                        in His timing
                           and is that not hope defined?
                                waiting for the unfailing
                                       love of God!
                                             Abraham had
                                                   faith and hope
                                                        which when
                                                     added together
                                                  equal the unfailing
                                               love of God!

                                  oh weary heart...

                                       do not be discouraged
                                       do not doubt His promise
                                           for surely it is truth
                                        so true that Abba
                                     promised that
                                 which He promised
                             and He always keeps His
                       and even though it hurts so badly   
                    the suffering of your heart
                 will produce perseverance
                 that perseverance will produce character
                 and character produces hope
              and hope will not disappoint
            for hope is waiting for the unfailing
          love of God!
            and if it is unfailing it cannot fail!
              and the love of God is an ocean
               and the waves sweep you not away
                 but rather into His arms of unfailing love





1 comment:

  1. Amen, beautiful,
    May God give us the faith of Abraham!
