Tuesday, August 4, 2015

flowing upstream

                                 she sat at the water's edge
                             she watched
                             she listened
                             she felt
                        the gentle tug of the current
                    as she slipped her 
                hand into the icy
            cold of the mountain stream

                                           she sat quietly
                                 she prayed to hear His voice

                          she wrote
                          and wrote some more
                          for that is simply what she does
                          and that is how she hears His voice

                                heaviness had been pressing in
                              heaviness pressing in hard
                            and she did not know why
                          so she wrote in conversation
                        with the One who knows all

                          her eyes began to see clearly
                      what had been shrouded in a mist

                      oh so lovingly He revealed all
                           that which was pulling her down
                           that which was stealing her joy
                                oh the details need not
                                        be known
                                               for He knows
                                               and she knows
                   but that one specific touch of His hand
                         simply cannot not be shared
                    for even if only to encourage another

                    she left her Bible and notebook and pen
                        now running dry anyway
                            she sat on a large rock barely 
                                  in the stream
                                        she surrendered
                                             once again all that
                                             she had taken back...
                                             for truly she is prone 
                                             to wander...
                                      she felt burdens lifting
                                 with each small stone
                             tossed into the current
                         she then picked up a piece of a tree
                      (a very small piece...yet too big to
                            simply be called a stick)
                 anyway...she tossed it in the water...
                     it represented her lack of patience
                     in the waiting room...
                     in the holding pattern...
                     in the season in which He has her
                             she fully expected it to float
                                      for is that not what
                                           any small lightweight 
                                                piece of wood
                                                     would do?
                                              oh to sure it floated...
                                          but instead of floating
                                          a current unseen
                                             (to her eyes, anyway)
                                          carried it back upstream
                                          to the very spot into
                                          which she had 
                                          tossed it

                             sometimes that which appears
                          stagnant or even regression
                       is really just His current keeping in 
                    or carrying one
                  back to work yet unfinished
               be it work He had that one doing
             or work He was doing on that heart

                              the large stick...
                              or small piece of wood... 
                              was then carried sideways a bit
                                  just far enough to be under
                                       the flow of water coming
                                             down over rocks...
                                                   a small waterfall
                                                         of sorts
                                       and there it remained.
                                    floating even though being
                                 pressed downward by the
                              water's constant motion
                           ...pressed hard on all sides...

                  is that not exactly what our Abba does?
                      and is that not often one reason for
                            the waiting room season?
                                  to pour His love
                                             His grace
                                             His mercy
                                             His protection
                                             His forgiveness
                                                 over a heart so
                                                 desperately in need
                                                 yet fairly convinced
                                                 it is ready to 
                                                       move on
                          and in that time...in that season
              one can either allow the water's pressure...
              the current that is His love
                      to refresh
                      to restore
                      to renew
                         or one can fight the current.

                    and that is what she had been doing.

                       oh the enormity of His grace
                           for while in that season of waiting
                                He not only prepares the heart
                                     for that which lies ahead
                                     but He also reminds 
                                     that same heart of
                                     His faithfulness so great
                                     in times past and present
                             giving assurance of faithfulness
                        yet to come


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