Sunday, August 9, 2015

the sound of His grace

                               oh the sound of His grace! 

                     grace shimmers in the morning breeze

                        leaves rustling
                                  singing of beauty
                                             of wonder
                                             of creation
                                                            to be found
                                                    even in places
                                              thought not to 
                                        be beautiful


                                  in grace notes
                                  so grace-filled
                                  so grace-ful
                              that the sound cannot
                          be contained in the notes existing
                      but must instead be added before
                  the beat
              so as to sparkle
              in places least expected

                            for is that not what grace is?

                            and is that not what grace does?

                    grace dances in laughter

                           as little ones twirl
                               in delight
                                    as the ice cream truck
                                         approaches even on a
                                              street perhaps not
                                                    known for grace
                                               yet is that not
                                         where grace loves
                                     to sing its song
                                with passion oh so fierce?

                        and grace is heard  
                            as little feet splash in the ocean
                            as the sun rises and sets
                            as waves crash
                            as clouds heavy with moisture
                                   give rain which gives puddles
                                   which give little boots
                                   another place to dance

                               oh and that is the sheer joy

                                      of grace
                                      of a life lived in grace
                                      for it matters not where
                                      or when
                                      or how
                               because that is grace!

                       grace that is truly grace

                  in purest form
             cannot be kept in
             cannot be hidden
             and who would want to hide grace anyway?

                  oh but is that not where grace can be

                          that moment
                            when what one does 
                               is done to be seen
                                  rather than to see

                        and oh this heart is guilty

                    and is it not easy to live a life

           receiving grace yet forgetting to give grace?

                  and this heart is guilty once again

                     but therein lies the beauty of grace!

                        grace overflows with grace
                           and as grace overflows
                              with more grace 
                                 more grace wells up within
                                     the heart giving grace
                                  and as grace is given
                               is not grace received?
                            and as graces is received
                         is not more grace given?

                             and grace's song can be heard

                          from east to west
                          from north to south
                       for grace in its purest form
                   cannot be silenced
               and every heart ever beating
           on this earth in its entirety 
           beats with the grace of the One 
                   who is the source of grace

                 "After this I saw a vast crowd, too great

                  to count, from every nation and tribe 
                  and people and language, standing in
                  front of the throne and before the Lamb.
                  They were clothed in white and held
                  palm branches in their hands. And they
                  were shouting with a mighty shout,

                  'Salvation comes from our God who sits

                            on the throne
                         and from the Lamb!'

                  And all the angels were standing around

                  the throne and around the elders and 
                  four living beings. And they fell before
                  the throne with their faces to the ground
                  and worshiped God..."
                                        Revelation 7:9-11


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