Thursday, April 23, 2015

the heart giving

                              give and you will receive
                        you will be given much
                  pressed down shaken together and
                    running over it will spill into your lap
                       the way you give to others is the way
                          God will give to you    Luke 6:38

                            the widow gave her last...her all

                                 two copper coins
                                      leaving nothing to sustain
                                           nothing on which to live

                                  Jesus was watching

                               others came giving that amount

                                                 multiplied over
                                         and over and over
                                   yet none gave as she gave
                             she gave sacrificially
                                  she gave to the very last
                                       she gave 

                                   and Jesus was watching

                               He said she had given 
                                   so much more than those
                                        giving much...
                             for they gave little out of much
                            while she gave much out of little
                                   she had given her all
                                  and Jesus was watching

                     my heart cannot help but question...
                              she gave her all
                                she gave everything
                                  she left having been blessed
                                    in the eyes of Jesus
                                    but then what happened?
                               was she blessed in the material
                          so as to have food to eat?
                                              clothes to wear?
                                              a place to call home?
                               were blessings tangible to touch
                                   running over into her lap?

                                 or were the blessings in the
                                      realm of the unseen...

                                   blessings of the heart
                                          blessings woven
                           all throughout the heart
                             blessings painted with colors
                                   illuminating even 
                                     shadows of heartache

                            blessings bringing everlasting joy
                                    to her heart forever

                              perhaps this is the blessing?
                                                      the gift?
                                                joy unspeakable?
                                         for what more could the
                                 heart grateful need than
                           joy in any and every circumstance 
                              whether in plenty or in want
                                  contentment sweet
                                     wrapped in a blanket
                                         interlaced with His love

                                      so whether the widow 
                                 received blessings to be seen
                            or blessings to be unseen
                        she was blessed...
                               because she gave

                             Jesus watches always
                                 He sees all
                                 He knows all
                                      and the giving heart
                                          will be blessed


  1. We are always blessed in the unseen when we give with a grateful, obedient heart and often in the seen, material world in ways that could only be explained as miraculous. Love you!

  2. Jesus sees it all and smiles, the blessings will come now and eternally. Thanks for your post
