Thursday, April 9, 2015

all is well

                                           all is well
                           what is the definition of all is well?
                           how would you describe all is well?

                                 what picture would you paint?
                              what song would you compose?
                           what story would you write?

                                      what does all is well
                                   look like to you? to me?
                                           for our perception
                                     will be our reality

                                         can all is well be less
                                   than that for which you long?
                                                        or want?
                                                   or even need?

                                  questions swirling in my mind
                                                   in my heart
                                             in my spirit

                                  in the quiet of the moment
                                      He speaks to my heart...

                            "allow yourself to fall
                                  back into My arms
                                         for there all is well
                                      allow the shape of you...
                                  your dreams
                               your desires
                            your wants
                         your needs
                             to be so wrapped up in Me
                                    that our shadow is as one
                                            rather than two
                                       for when you have given
                            yourself that completely to Me
                  you realize you are at the place of
                                 all is well

                                  for how can it be less   
                            when I am completion defined?
                                   how can you be partially
                                        complete in Me
                                            when I am wholeness?

                              My child,
                                   as you fall back into My arms
                          you are in reality stepping forward
                   for as you take that step of faith into
                       that which makes no sense
                       that which looks impossible
                              you are actually falling back
                                      into My arms

                            when you are giving all you have
                                you are actually gaining
                                     when you have less
                                          you have more
                                    when you die to the dreams
                                you have dreamed
                          you are just beginning to 
                     live the dreams I have for you
               your dreams are limited by time and space
                     whereas My dreams are 
                     stretching as far as east is from west
                            remember, My child, that 
                                My Kingdom is an
                                    upside down kingdom
                              where last is first and first is last
                         where crooked is straight and
                   straight is crooked
             where the blind can see 
       while those with vision perfect are blind
  for those who look through their own eyes alone
       are in reality seeing nothing of My Kingdom
              whereas those who look with the eyes of
                       the heart... 
                            of My heart
                                 are the ones who really see

                                 so step forward in faith
                             as you fall back into My arms
                                and know that all is well"



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