Saturday, January 9, 2016

His fingerprints cover

                             You saw me before I was born.
                                   Every day of my life was recorded in
                                        Your book.
                             Every moment was laid out
                                   before a single day had passed.
                                                  Psalm 139:16
                                        to trace the fingerprints of God.
                                     to look back and realize that
                                  no place or moment or person
                               were not covered by those fingerprints.
                             to look at today and realize 
                           His fingerprints still cover.
                           for even in the depth of
                                the deepest valley of darkness,
                                      HE IS.
                                      He is for you.
                                      He is with you.
                                      He is before you.
                                      He is behind you.
                                      He is beneath you.

                            He knows her heart, He knows her pain.
                                  and He knows your pain
                                     as you sit near and watch her pain.
                                         He sees your heart so broken.
                                              He sees your fear of the yet
                                                         He sees all because 
                                                              HE IS ALL.
                      His fingerprints completely cover her body
                          for He is holding her close to His heart.
                               His fingerprints leave no room for
                                    anything that is not of Him,
                                        for she belongs to Him.
                            His fingerprints cover all,
                            and that includes today
                            and all within this day.
                                  He sees your heart shattered,
                                  shards of glass lying on the floor,
                                  for this was not how it was supposed
                                        to end, Abba.
                                        no chapter was written
                                        holding this amount of pain.
                                               He sees your precious kids...
                                               He sees the tears welling up
                                               as they begin to process all
                                               that is swirling around them.
                                                       they, too, are covered
                                                       by His fingerprints,
                                                       for they are His.

                                             and perhaps that which gives
                                         the most hope and comfort?
                                     His fingerprints cover tomorrow.
                                  and the next day and the day after
                              that day and so on and so on.
                           His are the hands which will gently take
                               your precious wife by the hand and
                                   draw her to Himself.
                                       and there she will feel
                                            no more pain or fear
                                                 or sadness or worry,
                                            for she will be cradled in the
                                         arms of Jesus Himself.
                                     she will stand in awe,
                                     she will dance with joy.                
                                     she will run with the wind,
                                     she will sing and shout and worship
                                          as heaven becomes her home.

                                       His fingerprints are and will be
                                         covering you and your family..
                                            your home and your lives
                                               and everything which is 
                                               and will be in the future.
                                               and He will hold all of you
                                                  tightly in His arms,
                                                  leaving fingerprints of



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful Julie. Thanks so much.

    1. You are so welcome, Kevin. You and your family are constantly in my prayers.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
