life is filled with rhythms.
some rhythms steady,
sure, secure.
(this heart's favorites)
other rhythms having
no pattern
no meter
no form
leave this heart
beating wildly.
(not so fond of these)
yet those times come...
seasons in life when
rhythms and notes and
melodies and harmonies
seem to simply swirl in the storm.
sometimes winds fierce and
howling and relentless
threaten to shatter,
then scatter any sense
or semblance of
rhythmic stability.
and has your heart not
felt that wind?
" they sailed across, Jesus settled
down for a nap...but soon a fierce storm
came down on the lake...the boat was filling
with water, and they were in real danger...
disciples went and woke him up, shouting,
"Master, Master, we're going to drown!"
when Jesus woke up, He rebuked the
wind and the raging waves...suddenly
the storm stopped and all was calm...
then He asked them,
"where is your faith?"
the disciples were terrified
and amazed..."who is this man?"
they asked each other..."when He gives
a command, even the wind and waves obey Him!"
Luke 8:23-25
the waves
the wind
bow to His voice.
storms raging cease,
turning chaos to
and His heartbeat
underlies all.
no storm, no season,
no rhythm flailing
can cause that
to waver.
so hold on,
weary heart,
hold on.
His voice still
sings over you.
songs of deliverance
songs of delight
songs of love unending.
and nothing in all creation
can drown out the song He
is singing still for you and for me.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
He promises. Isaiah 41:10
when life catches you off guard.
and have we not all been there?
when the world itself seems
to stop spinning for a moment.
and have we not all been
there as well?
perhaps you found out
news devastating...
cancer or car accident or
job lost or child sick or
adoption fallen through or
anything you could have not
predicted or foreseen
and are now trying to process
and wrap your heart around.
now what?
when you are left gasping for air,
where do you turn?
oh beloved heart,
you need look no further than up:
Abba, help me.
Abba, please hold me
through this storm.
and He will because He
promised and God always
keeps His promises.
this I know, for I have been there.
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you.
Don't be discouraged, for I am your
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with My victorious
right hand."
Isaiah 41:10
and have we not all been there?
when the world itself seems
to stop spinning for a moment.
and have we not all been
there as well?
perhaps you found out
news devastating...
cancer or car accident or
job lost or child sick or
adoption fallen through or
anything you could have not
predicted or foreseen
and are now trying to process
and wrap your heart around.
now what?
when you are left gasping for air,
where do you turn?
oh beloved heart,
you need look no further than up:
Abba, help me.
Abba, please hold me
through this storm.
and He will because He
promised and God always
keeps His promises.
this I know, for I have been there.
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you.
Don't be discouraged, for I am your
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with My victorious
right hand."
Isaiah 41:10
Thursday, January 21, 2016
precious jewels ~ Zechariah 9:16
On that day the LORD their God will
rescue his people,
just as a shepherd rescues his sheep.
They will sparkle in his land
like jewels in a crown.
Zechariah 9:16
in the still of the moment
a song from years past
suddenly flooded my mind.
a song long forgotten...
When He cometh, when He cometh
to make up His jewels.
All His jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own.
Like the stars of the morning
His bright crown adorning,
they shall shine in their beauty,
bright gems for His crown.
He will gather, He will gather
the gems for His kingdom.
All the pure ones, all the bright ones,
His loved and His own.
Little children, little children
who love their Redeemer,
are the jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own.
who are orphaned or abused
or sold into slavery or lonely
or cold or hungry or longing for love.
children the world over.
children right next door.
any child not being loved
and cared for as every
child deserves.
each one, regardless of race or gender
or nationality or economic status,
is a precious child of God.
each one shines like a
jewel in His eyes.
and this heart breaks
for those whose precious
jewels are being held so
tenderly in the arms of Jesus.
little ones taken far too soon.
some of these jewels never
even took a first breath,
but went directly from
the warmth and security
of a momma's body
to the warmth and security
of the arms of Jesus.
and empty arms are left behind and
hearts are shattered in jagged pieces.
and some precious jewels
breathed and cried and
laughed and sang and ran
and hugged and jumped
and painted
and built snowmen
and brought joy unspeakable.
and He gathered them home.
no words can make sense
of that which makes no sense.
pain indescribable exists in this world.
pain this heart would love to erase,
but cannot.
yet all is not hopeless for
never does He leave us to stumble
through tragedy and heartbreak alone.
His love paints even the darkest clouds
with rainbows of hope...
and the pre-dawn black of night
is illuminated by stars
shining in beauty.
like the stars of the morning
His bright crown adorning,
they shall shine in their beauty,
bright gems for His crown.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
knowing Him. Ephesians 3.
When I think of all this,
I fall to my knees and pray to the Father,
the Creator of everything
in heaven and on earth.
I pray that from his glorious,
unlimited resources he will
empower you with inner strength
through his Spirit.
Then Christ will make his home
in your hearts as you trust in him.
Your roots will grow down into
God's love and keep you strong.
And may you have the power to understand,
as all God's people should,
how wide, how long, how high,
and how deep his love is.
May you experience the love of Christ,
though it is too great to understand fully.
Then you will be made complete with all
the fullness of life and power
that comes from God.
Now all glory to God, who is able,
through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more
than we might ask or think.
Glory to him in the church
and in Christ Jesus through all generations,
forever and ever! Amen.
feels and touches and breathes
and hears and sees the love of
the Father...
when one sits in silence
stunned at the glory
of His presence...
all is changed.
for how can His presence
not change all?
and how can a love so
wide and deep and
high and long...
in dimension...
how can even a
taste of that love
leave anyone
the same?
for it is impossible
to encounter His glory
and fathom His love without
being radically changed.
for most of my life I thought I knew Him.
I thought I got it.
with pride, even.
yet I have learned
the difference vast
between knowledge
and relationship.
and no amount of knowledge
can come close to the
breathtaking love story
awaiting the heart longing for more...
for once that heart beats
in time to His own heartbeat,
a fullness,
a completion,
will simply overwhelm.
and you will never
be the same again.
He promises.

when one sits in silence
stunned at the glory
of His presence...
all is changed.
for how can His presence
not change all?
and how can a love so
wide and deep and
high and long...
in dimension...
how can even a
taste of that love
leave anyone
the same?
for it is impossible
to encounter His glory
and fathom His love without
being radically changed.
for most of my life I thought I knew Him.
I thought I got it.
with pride, even.
yet I have learned
the difference vast
between knowledge
and relationship.
and no amount of knowledge
can come close to the
breathtaking love story
awaiting the heart longing for more...
for once that heart beats
in time to His own heartbeat,
a fullness,
a completion,
will simply overwhelm.
and you will never
be the same again.
He promises.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
great is His faithfulness
"The faithful love of the LORD never ends!
His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning."
Lamentations 3:22-23
words stunning.
words leaving one
words overflowing
with who Abba is.
promises to which the heart can
cling in times of heartache
or sorrow or despair
as well as times of
joy or celebration
or times of the
a love with no
a love with no
a love
a love
a love
a love
compassionate a love
a love merciful.
a love spilling over with
and grace
like the rain.
mercy new
even when I fail.
and even when I am
He is faithful.
and always will be.
His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning."
Lamentations 3:22-23
words stunning.
words leaving one
words overflowing
with who Abba is.
promises to which the heart can
cling in times of heartache
or sorrow or despair
as well as times of
joy or celebration
or times of the
a love with no
a love with no
a love
a love
a love
a love
compassionate a love
a love merciful.
a love spilling over with
and grace
like the rain.
mercy new
even when I fail.
and even when I am
He is faithful.
and always will be.
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