Friday, October 2, 2015

pressed and pressing hard. 2 Cor. 4:7-9

                         "...we now have this light shining 
                         in our hearts, but we ourselves
                     are like fragile clay jars containing
                  this great treasure...this makes it clear
               that our great power is from God, not
           ourselves...we are pressed on every side by
           troubles, but we are not crushed...we are 
           perplexed, but not driven to despair..we are
           hunted down, but never abandoned by God...
           we get knocked down, but we are not 
           destroyed..."       2 Corinthians 4:7-9

                                so sometimes a heart can feel
                                   pressed hard...
                                      from every side
                                      from without
                                      from within
                                         simply pressed hard.
                                         and it can feel as if the
                                         very clay is crumbling.
                                        pressed by troubles.
                                   perplexed by circumstances. 
                               hunted down by fear.
                           knocked down by whatever it is
                               that weighs heavy on the heart.
                               that weighs heavy on the body.

                         each heart has its own burdens
                                               its own difficulties
                                               its own sadnessess
                                               its own frustrations
                                        for each heart is unique
                                 and beats to its own rhythm.
                           and is that not the beauty of life?
                    for it is the weaving and interlacing of
              every heartbeat unique that creates music.
              and some songs sing in sunshine bright
              while others sing in the dark of night.
        and some seasons are light while others heavy.

                               yet for all our differences
                         one common denominator exists.
                    we all have an Abba who sings over us.
                who holds all. knows all. loves all. is all.
                He longs for us to press hard into Himself.
                    He assures us that no pressure can
                         outweigh the pressing of His love.
                               He promises to never abandon.
                                          and therein lies the
                                               beauty of this
                                                    journey called 

                                          nothing can separate
                                              us from His love.



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