Tuesday, October 27, 2015

finding home ~ John 14:6


                                            Jesus answered "I am the way
                                                                 the truth
                                                             and the life
                                              no one comes to the Father
                                                    except through Me"
                                                             John 14:6

                                                  a door.
                                                  a door rugged.
                                                  a door rugged and bloody.
                                        a door constructed with beams. 
                                    crossbeams from a cross so rugged. 
                                                     I stand.
                                                     I stand near the door.
                                                     I want to enter
                                                         yet uncertainty
                                                             keeps me standing

                                  I know that this is
                                      the way I am meant to go.
                                          yet deep inside I am unsure ~
                                                am I worthy?
                                                am I good enough?
                                                     I take the step
                                                 over the threshold 
                                             and stand in stunned silence.

                         before me spreads a pasture lush.
                             a pasture green. a pasture breathtaking.
                               a river flows from a mountain in the distance.
                          that one river divides into two smaller rivers
                       streams flowing parallel yet a distance apart.
 the sun sparkles and 
                           dances on the water. 
              my heart racing,
              I walk through grass so soft.
              I walk toward the stream nearest me.
                     as I approach I hear the sound of water spilling and splashing.
                              I kneel down.
                              I reach my hand down into water icy cold.
                                      the current too swift to see a reflection,
                                                 yet I know. I feel. this is my Abba.
                                                          I sense His presence as never before.
                                                                    He is kind and gentle and loving
                                                                and strong and powerful
                                                           and tender and compassionate
                                                       all wrapped up in grace indescribable 
                                                  and tied with a ribbon of mercy.
                                              my heart stops as the picture
                                           forms in my mind of a daddy
                                       who loves me with love so boundless.
                                                                            so high.
                                                                            so deep.
                                                                            so wide.
                                                                            so long.
                        like the rain.
                            I stand and make my way into the stream.
                        the current pulls but His hand holds me fast.
                    I reach the other side and enter tall grasses again.
               I walk with sun warming my body as a blanket warms.
         the love of my Abba permeates to the depth of my soul.

          I approach the second stream with water whispering.
               beside that water so still and quiet I bend down.
                   as I see my reflection. my eyes widen in disbelief,
                       for the reflection staring back at me 
                           is not the me I know.
                               it is Jesus.
                                   I look deep into His eyes
                                   as He looks deep into mine.
                                   words cannot describe the intensity
                                   and passion I see. I am seeing me as HE sees me.
                            I am seeing me as my Abba sees me. and I will never be the same.

              after a time I rise and wade into the stream so peaceful.
                   with each step, ripples reach out, one after another,
                        until the glassy surface is 
                             but one ripple
                                 and I know in a heartbeat that all 
                                       who see me will know that I am different.

                         I walk through more grasses, following a faint path.
                         I have not been here before yet sense that I have.
                         I am following One whom I cannot see yet can see.
                                     I approach what resembles a castle on the hill
                                        from which the one river flows,
                                             for this is where the two streams
                                                  began as one.

                                                     I see a door.
                                              I see a large door
                                        so beautiful,
                                        so inviting.

                    all of a sudden I know.
                         I AM HOME.

            I enter with trembling step, not sure what I will find.
            I stand just inside that door, eyes wide, and I hear His voice.
                       "My child, welcome home. what is Mine, is yours, for you are Mine.
                            your heart has found its home in My heart. 
                            your heart now beats to the rhythm of My heart.
                                  this home, this castle, this pasture, this spacious land
                                       is all yours, My child.
                                            wherever you go, you are home,
                                                 for wherever you go, I am there.
                                            the day will come when you are HOME with Me forever...
                                       yet the beauty is this...you are home now!
                                  for your heart has found its home in My heart.
                            I love you beyond words. My heart lives to hear your heart.
                       your beauty is beyond description for you are covered 
                  in the clothes of My Son...radiant and shimmering white.
              once you step through the door, you are beyond the cross 
           and no place can equal.
               no place can compare.
                     as you live in My heart
                          you will know what it is to be cherished.
                          you will know what it is to be treasured.
                                and as you abide in this reality
                                       you will radiate
                                       you will reflect
                                       you will glow
                                             with all that is Me.
                      welcome home, My child.
                      welcome home to My arms of love."               

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