quite a small word
yet carries much emotion
some emotions healthy
others not so much
and what happens when
one heart so set on an opinion
crushes the heart holding an opinion
and really, does it not come down to this...
my opinion
your opinion
are not all that
Jesus did not spend a lot of
time discussing opinions
rather I read and hear and see
love spoken.
love touched.
love breathed.
love spilling over.
love sacrificed.
love bleeding.
that blood so red
washes opinions away
that blood so crimson
leaves no room for criticism
leaves no room for judgement
leaves no room for condemnation
for are we not all as sinful as the other?
and does not Jesus weep
when His own attack?
does His heart not break
when hatred spills over
rather than love?
He came a Rose...
a bud so fresh
each petal unfolding toward the Light
He walked and talked and lived and loved
and as those petals fell
they were trampled
they were crushed
all for you
all for me
our own tears falling
our own knees bowing
our own hands raised
in worship
our own arms embracing
those we deem most
unworthy of our love
all this but a small sacrifice
of thanks to the One who loved us first
this heart must love.
nothing more.
nothing less.
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