Wednesday, June 17, 2015

praying promises ~ Psalm 145


                    "the Lord always keeps His promises
                        He is gracious in all He does
                    the Lord helps the fallen
                        and lifts those bent beneath their
                    the eyes of all look to You in hope
                        You give them their food as they
                               need it
                    when You open Your hand
                        You will satisfy the hunger and thirst
                               of every living thing
                    the Lord is righteous in everything He
                        He is filled with kindness
                    the Lord is close to all who call on Him
                         yes to all who call on Him in truth
                    He grants the desires of those who fear
                         He hears their cries for help and
                                rescues them"
                                                Psalm 145:13-19

                                              so many promises
                                              so much hope 
                                          hope flows from words
                                          words flow from hope

                                      promises covering literally
                                      any circumstance or need
                                           or emotion 
                                               are there for the 
                         what if for even one day
                           this heart would not only pray
                           these promises of hope but would
                             live these promises of hope...
                                   what if for even one day
                                this heart would believe
                             with assurance undying
                          that each promise is in fact truth
                       that each promise will be kept...
                    for is that not what He says He will do?

                      and either He is or He is not.
                            either He exists or He does not.
                            either He is faithful or He is not.
                                       end of story.

                                 in times of plenty
                                     in times of blessing
                                          in times of sunshine
                                               His promises tend to
                                               be easier to believe

                                  yet is it not in times of need
                               in times of struggle
                           in the middle of the storm
                        is this not when His promises ring
                             with truth most certain and solid?
                                   for when the sky is darkest
                                        is not His love light most

                                          that is His love!

                                        that is the glorious
                                                             love of our




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