Sunday, May 3, 2015

a sieve

a heart empty will stay empty no matter the amount of love being poured in unless it is sealed by the love of Jesus...on its own a heart is sieve...emptying as quickly as being filled...and oh the lengths a heart will go to feel loved...desperate to be accepted...longing for worth...for value...not even knowing perhaps how very empty it is...the feeling of emptiness becomes normal...seeking to find worth and a reason for living simply a way of life...oh the contrast when that heart is opened to truth...such love and purpose and value and security and worth and joy and peace and contentment to be found when the heart comes face to face with Jesus at the cross...when ears are opened to see and eyes to hear...for He speaks in whispers quiet enough to drown out the storm raging within...

                            "My beloved one...
                                 how My heart longs
                                     for your heart to grasp
                                              truth so true

                                         you search frantically
                                     in desperation hopeless
                                 to find love
                                 to find worth
                                 to find purpose
                                 to find acceptance
                        but you look in places 
                                           in people
                                           in ministry even
                                    not able to provide
                            that which so elusively eludes

                                   doing doing doing
                               convinced the way to know Me
                         is found in the small word 'yes'
                    for surely finding Me must lie within
                       what you do for Me...
                           oh such good things
                               kingdom things
                                   ministry things
                                         so determined to find Me
                                     that in actuality you 
                                miss Me completely

                          hear Me, My child...
                      your worth your identity your security
                  all for which you long 
               are found only in Me
            and not in what you do for Me
            but rather in what I did for you
               for as you gaze at My cross
                  as you gaze into My eyes
                       you will see love so lavish
                       as to drown your heart if you will
                                   allow yourself to surrender
                                          to come to the end of
                                                your very self
                                                     by falling into
                                                     My arms with
                                               abandonment so 

             in Me you will find wholeness overwhelming
      for not only am I willing to patch the heart holes
                     I will make your heart as new
                          for was not My own heart
                                My body
                                     pierced for you?
                                            I love you with a
                                                   love extravagant  
                                          you are My bride
                                in My eyes you are perfect
        and how can perfection be made more perfect?
           how can that which is full be made more full?
                                               nothing you do
                                         nothing you do not do
                           can in anyway add to or takeaway 
                                     from My love
                              simply sit with Me awhile
                       come to know the very essence of Me
                              for in Me you will find you

                                         so cease striving
                                  and you fall into My arms

                                    I am more than enough




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