Friday, November 14, 2014

worship flows

                 "I want to know Christ and the power that
            raised Him from the dead
              I want to share in His sufferings
                 and become like Him in His death
                    then I will have hope that I myself will be
                      raised from the dead”
                                   Philippians 3:7-11

                      to know Him is to worship Him
                      to worship Him is to know Him
                           for the heart wanting to know Him
                                  will worship Him
                               and the heart worshiping Him
                           will know Him

                      the heart longing to know Him is like
                              desert ground dry and thirsty
                          longing for the rainy season
                     raindrops falling in sheets
                 quickly overwhelming ground parched         
               drops joining to form rivers mighty
            motion ceaseless
                  bringing life where life was barely holding on
                           His heartbeat throbs as life is

                        out of those rivers of life
                     worship flows
                   for worship is the only response
                 worthy for the Giver of life
              the heart lovesick for the Savior
                 will throb in precise timing with His heart
                    as worship flows
                      what once consumed the heart
                   now seems insignificant
                for nothing compares to knowing Him
                                     to worshiping Him
                       seeking to know Him
                          brings the heart to new dimensions
                               where worship lives in 
                                    colors vibrant as 
                                 wind dances
                               water splashes
                             His love overwhelms 
                         flung across time                               


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