Monday, November 24, 2014

still here with me

               still here with me
                      his hand print remains
                              I see him
                                      I hear him
                                                I feel him

                            I miss him
                          I miss his smile
                      I miss his laugh
                  I miss his words
              I miss his touch

                       yet still here with me

                   his legacy lives on
                     larger than life
                          in each whisper of grace
                              in each gaze of compassion
                                   in each touch so tender
                       the shepherd's heart lives on

                                as seasons change from 
                                    summer to fall
                                colors vibrant
                            softly float to earth
                        trees once green turned golden red
                    leafs fallen
                 snow silently covers branches now empty
                         the shepherd's heart lives on

              holding that shepherd's heart close to His own
                      is the heart of the One who
                              gives life
                                    sustains life
                                           brings life Home
                   that Shepherd's heart
                beats strong
                beats steady
                       underlying all of life
                            He knows hearts ache
                                  when chairs are empty
                    my shepherd is safe in the arms of 
                                            The Shepherd
             my shepherd had lived life long
                            and lived life well
                         shepherding sheep after sheep
                     looking always for the outcast one
                  broken one
               bruised one
            forsaken one
         and this legacy lives on generation after generation

              The Shepherd holds close to His heart
                 all who have transitioned from life on earth
                                      to life in His presence 
                             those He has called Home
                       need not have tears wiped away
                  for there are no more tears
                                and for those left behind
                                    He does wipe tears
                                       He gives gifts
                                     in unexpected places
                           a whisper or sight or touch
                      from the one living in heaven 
                a gift of comfort and hope
                      to the one left behind
                          we will see them again

                       still here with us




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