Monday, November 17, 2014

His fingerprints


                tracing the fingerprints of God 

              fingers drawing prisms of color dazzling
                 in rainbows flung across time
                              raindrops collide with sundrops
                           showing His promise for all time
                        each fingerprint a glimpse of His love

                      fingerprints on every breath
                                     every heartbeat
                                 from before time began
                             fingers orchestrating the
                        Composition to be performed in
                   the symphony of life
                conducted by the fingers of the Creator of all

             all for His purpose and His glory

                   we are His masterpiece 
            His fingers painting every corner of our lives
                            long before we even realized
                                  His fingers left prints
                             His fingers shaped us
                           His love formed us
                        His heart embraced us
                    long before we even realized
                           to Whom the hands belonged

               those hands formed each mountain peak
                   every valley
                        those hands flung stars into space
                              spoke life into being
                                  created our very dna
                               long before time began

                          the fingers which leave prints
                       became human fingers
                  as He allowed His divinity to be dressed in our

             those sweet baby fingers grew into 
                    a man's strong fingers
                          He left His fingerprints
                                 on all He healed
                                      on all He forgave
                                           on all He loved

                  those very hands with fingers
                             leaving fingerprints over your life
                                            and my life
                                  were stretched open
                             nailed to a cross
                        for you
                        for me

                because those nail pierced hands defeated death
                             returned to His Father
                         we are able to see the fingerprints 
                      as He guides each step ~
                  as we play our part in the symphony of life

           as we look back we see the detours
                                   the side trips
                                   the back tracking
                          that His gift of freewill allows
                    yet even when running in the
               opposite direction

                     patiently in boundless love He waits
                 as often our human hands wrestle with 
                          His divine hands
                               His fingerprints even on the
                                     wrestling match

                 in boundless love He calls each by name

       "...I say this because I know what I am planning for you...
            I have good plans for you not plans to harm you
                    I will give you hope and a future
             then you will call My name
       you will come to Me and pray to Me 
         and I will listen to you
           you will search for Me and when you search
                   with all your heart
                       you will find Me..."
                             Jeremiah 29:11-13




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