Saturday, November 29, 2014

the One our hearts long for

                    empty hearts empty
                          hopeless eyes hopeless
                                 crushed spirits crushed


                           children huddled with no shelter
                        stomachs empty
                     sleep far away
                  longing for love and security and hope
               hurt inflicted upon hurt
           those most vulnerable ~ be it child or adult
                 left alone in darkness black   
                     all the while
                 men grown
           lay on flat screen tvs huge
                      determined to win battles fierce

                                    women grown
                                fight over barbie dolls
                            to the point of injury and jail

                 a towel small removed
             from one of many dryers
          the response anger fierce
                   words meant to crush
                               kill (if words could)
                             demanding all be removed
                     and towel small be put back ~
                 all in front of her precious child
                      with hands over ears
                            a scene etched in her mind
                                  violence her norm

                  and we fight on 

                     His tears fall like rain
                 He offers what all are seeking ~
                         oh how He loves each
                  empty angry hate-filled grief-stricken
                                      fearful heart
                                   yet will not force
                               His way in 
                          for love requires response
                               that love
                            the ultimate gift 
                          wrapped in human skin
                        born into His own creation
                     knowing full well He was born to die
                                  so we could live life full

                   yet on we search  
                       convincing hearts that satisfaction
                           lies one purchase away
                                one relationship away 
                                   one victory away
                      when what all hearts need 
                  He offers

            the One whose love so boundless
                   so vast so perfect so unconditional
                           so unfathomable ~
                                  the One our hearts long for

                       each heart full
                         becomes a conduit
                           allowing His love
                              to flow to touch to embrace
                                           a world hurting


Monday, November 24, 2014

still here with me

               still here with me
                      his hand print remains
                              I see him
                                      I hear him
                                                I feel him

                            I miss him
                          I miss his smile
                      I miss his laugh
                  I miss his words
              I miss his touch

                       yet still here with me

                   his legacy lives on
                     larger than life
                          in each whisper of grace
                              in each gaze of compassion
                                   in each touch so tender
                       the shepherd's heart lives on

                                as seasons change from 
                                    summer to fall
                                colors vibrant
                            softly float to earth
                        trees once green turned golden red
                    leafs fallen
                 snow silently covers branches now empty
                         the shepherd's heart lives on

              holding that shepherd's heart close to His own
                      is the heart of the One who
                              gives life
                                    sustains life
                                           brings life Home
                   that Shepherd's heart
                beats strong
                beats steady
                       underlying all of life
                            He knows hearts ache
                                  when chairs are empty
                    my shepherd is safe in the arms of 
                                            The Shepherd
             my shepherd had lived life long
                            and lived life well
                         shepherding sheep after sheep
                     looking always for the outcast one
                  broken one
               bruised one
            forsaken one
         and this legacy lives on generation after generation

              The Shepherd holds close to His heart
                 all who have transitioned from life on earth
                                      to life in His presence 
                             those He has called Home
                       need not have tears wiped away
                  for there are no more tears
                                and for those left behind
                                    He does wipe tears
                                       He gives gifts
                                     in unexpected places
                           a whisper or sight or touch
                      from the one living in heaven 
                a gift of comfort and hope
                      to the one left behind
                          we will see them again

                       still here with us




Friday, November 21, 2014

evalyn's song

                      evalyn's song has been singing
                         since before time began

                 her song was in His heart 
                     note by note
                        measure by measure
                           movement by movement
                      long before her first heartbeat

                                         she runs
                                     she smiles
                                 she dances
                             she laughs
                          she loves

               Grandma's piano has been where she heads
                     since before she could walk
                          toys lay abandoned
                               while she plays the piano

                       you captured my heart
                           from your very first breath
                                I love how you take my finger
                             leading me to adventures
                          picking flowers and leafs 
                       dandelions and bugs

                  your song will be singing
                           as God continues to compose
                                     some notes will soar
                                        others lie close
                                         to the ground
                                    all blending in
                               exquisite beauty

                         not one single note
                      has or ever will 
                          catch Him off guard
                    you are His gift to my heart

                          my evalyn :)



Monday, November 17, 2014

His fingerprints


                tracing the fingerprints of God 

              fingers drawing prisms of color dazzling
                 in rainbows flung across time
                              raindrops collide with sundrops
                           showing His promise for all time
                        each fingerprint a glimpse of His love

                      fingerprints on every breath
                                     every heartbeat
                                 from before time began
                             fingers orchestrating the
                        Composition to be performed in
                   the symphony of life
                conducted by the fingers of the Creator of all

             all for His purpose and His glory

                   we are His masterpiece 
            His fingers painting every corner of our lives
                            long before we even realized
                                  His fingers left prints
                             His fingers shaped us
                           His love formed us
                        His heart embraced us
                    long before we even realized
                           to Whom the hands belonged

               those hands formed each mountain peak
                   every valley
                        those hands flung stars into space
                              spoke life into being
                                  created our very dna
                               long before time began

                          the fingers which leave prints
                       became human fingers
                  as He allowed His divinity to be dressed in our

             those sweet baby fingers grew into 
                    a man's strong fingers
                          He left His fingerprints
                                 on all He healed
                                      on all He forgave
                                           on all He loved

                  those very hands with fingers
                             leaving fingerprints over your life
                                            and my life
                                  were stretched open
                             nailed to a cross
                        for you
                        for me

                because those nail pierced hands defeated death
                             returned to His Father
                         we are able to see the fingerprints 
                      as He guides each step ~
                  as we play our part in the symphony of life

           as we look back we see the detours
                                   the side trips
                                   the back tracking
                          that His gift of freewill allows
                    yet even when running in the
               opposite direction

                     patiently in boundless love He waits
                 as often our human hands wrestle with 
                          His divine hands
                               His fingerprints even on the
                                     wrestling match

                 in boundless love He calls each by name

       "...I say this because I know what I am planning for you...
            I have good plans for you not plans to harm you
                    I will give you hope and a future
             then you will call My name
       you will come to Me and pray to Me 
         and I will listen to you
           you will search for Me and when you search
                   with all your heart
                       you will find Me..."
                             Jeremiah 29:11-13




Friday, November 14, 2014

worship flows

                 "I want to know Christ and the power that
            raised Him from the dead
              I want to share in His sufferings
                 and become like Him in His death
                    then I will have hope that I myself will be
                      raised from the dead”
                                   Philippians 3:7-11

                      to know Him is to worship Him
                      to worship Him is to know Him
                           for the heart wanting to know Him
                                  will worship Him
                               and the heart worshiping Him
                           will know Him

                      the heart longing to know Him is like
                              desert ground dry and thirsty
                          longing for the rainy season
                     raindrops falling in sheets
                 quickly overwhelming ground parched         
               drops joining to form rivers mighty
            motion ceaseless
                  bringing life where life was barely holding on
                           His heartbeat throbs as life is

                        out of those rivers of life
                     worship flows
                   for worship is the only response
                 worthy for the Giver of life
              the heart lovesick for the Savior
                 will throb in precise timing with His heart
                    as worship flows
                      what once consumed the heart
                   now seems insignificant
                for nothing compares to knowing Him
                                     to worshiping Him
                       seeking to know Him
                          brings the heart to new dimensions
                               where worship lives in 
                                    colors vibrant as 
                                 wind dances
                               water splashes
                             His love overwhelms 
                         flung across time