Monday, April 4, 2016

letting go

                        Isaac turned to Abraham and said, "Father?"
                              "Yes, my son?" Abraham replied.
                              "We have the fire and the wood," the
                        boy said, "but where is the sheep for
                        burnt offering?"
                               "God will provide a sheep for the burnt
                        offering, my son," Abraham answered.
                                                   Genesis 22:7-8

                                        God was asking Abraham to give
                                   to Him the most precious gift he
                              had ever been given. his son. Isaac.
                         the promised one for whom his parents
                    had waited. and waited. and then waited.
                      and now it seemed as if God were asking
                          Abraham to give him back.

                                could it be that Isaac was
                                      so cherished by his father
                                             that he had taken the space
                                                  that only Abraham's
                                                       Father was to occupy?

                                                    first place in 
                                                his heart and life.
                                             and is not anything or
                                         anyone a heart puts before
                                       or above God an idol of sorts?
                              not that we literally bow down 
                         and worship a possession or a child or 
                    a mate or a parent or a friend or whomever   
                 or whatever is occupying that space above God,
              yet is that not in reality exactly what happens?

                       this I know from first hand experience.
                                 and not just a one time
                                 experience, for I tend to be a
                                 bit of a slow learner in some areas.

                                           one would assume that a 
                                        lesson learned through pain
                                     would not easily be forgotten.
                                   and sometimes that proves true.
                                 yet other times God, in His incredible
                               patience, has to remind me time and
                               time again who is to have 
                                                  first place and
                                                  first priority
                                                  in my heart.
                                     and that would be Himself.

                                not because He needs me to make
                                His heart whole and complete,
                                but rather because He knows
                                that only when He is first
                                will my heart be whole
                                and complete.

                                                        and once again
                                                     He teaches me that
                                                  true love loves loosely.
                                               and true love gives back to
                                            Him what in reality was and is
                                            His all along.
                                    and He is more than able
                                    to hold and love and cherish and
                                    provide for and heal and redeem
                                    any situation or circumstance or
                                    person or persons He places
                                      in my life.
                                      or in your life.  




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