free falling.
falling free.
falling into.
free in.
falling into Love.
free in Love.
to free fall into anything
requires absolute trust.
free falling leaves no
room for plan B,
for once you
are falling
it is too
but oh the surety of falling
into Love!
Love is boundless and
limitless and infinite
and ceaseless and
and no safer place
exists to fall into
than Love.
and Love is not just a word.
Love is a person.
Love is Jesus and
Love leads us to
the heart of
the Father.
and as each heart falls into Him,
it is like an ember from a fire
leaving a golden trail
in the darkness.
or a falling star
blazing across
the night sky.
for a heart cannot fall
with surrender complete
without being seen!
the light blazing within
simply cannot be hidden!
the brightness illuminating
and casting its glow
will pierce the
darkness as it
radiates of Love
and life and freedom
and redemption
all because of those
arms of love.
and even those daring not
to gaze directly into the light
will be impacted by its
warmth and life.
and when free falling into
His arms, one cannot help
but be in the center
of His plan,
for to fall free
is the ultimate
form of surrender
and all pretense of
control shatters into
pieces on the ground,
leaving the heart free
to move as one with Him
into the beautiful unknown.
free falling
falling free
into His arms
of Love.
that moment when He
gently reminds you that
His thoughts are not
your thoughts.
His ways are not
your ways.
your thoughts and ways,
my thoughts and ways,
are not even in the
same universe
as His.
and yet I forget.
it's not that my ways are
necessarily wrong or bad.
it's not that my thoughts are
not of Him or even from Him.
it's simply that they cannot
even be like His
for He lives and breathes
and dances and sings
in a realm outside of
time and space as we
humans know it.
and is it not even difficult to grasp
that we cannot grasp it?
the symphony of creation is always
shouting and whispering
and singing of
who He is.
the beat of His heart
underlies all of
the sun and
moon and stars
and planets and
galaxies and oceans
and mountains and
valleys and wind and
rain and storms and trees
and wildflowers and meadows
and rivers and lakes and animals
and birds and fish and whales and
starfish and seahorses and
every living creature,
including you and me,
are part of that symphony,
with a song and a story
one of a kind.
and is it not even difficult to grasp
that we cannot grasp it?
such is the realm of His thoughts
and of His ways.
so when He whispers that
He sees what I cannot see
and knows what I cannot
even begin to know and
that without the
darkrooms of life
the story would
not be complete
and He is holding
your heart and my heart
and even the hearts not wanting
to be held and nothing will ever
separate us from His love...
I. need. to. listen.
and trust that He can
be trusted to be trusted.

"I want you to show love,
not offer sacrifices.
I want you to know Me
more than I want burnt offerings."
Hosea 6:6
dear Child,
you often ask what I would
have you doing in this season of your life.
you pray and you listen.
you listen and you pray.
you long to know that
you are in the center
of My plan for you.
and rightly so.
"I want you to show love,
not offer sacrifices.
I want you to know Me
more than I want burnt offerings."
listen carefully, My Child.
show love and mercy.
seek to know and love Me more.
for out of these two actions
flows My Kingdom.
and they are the highest
calling I place on any heart
for no higher calling exists.
now hear Me well, Child.
if you live only to know My
glory and beauty and love and life
and all that is Me, you will have missed
so much of that for which I created you!
for to know and love Me
is to allow all that is Me
to overflow from all that is you.
and that point of collision is where
My Spirit simply takes over,
and lives around you will
be touched and changed
in My name.
have you considered, My Child,
that perhaps the thing or event or
whatever it is to which you sense Me
calling you is actually happening
this very moment?
that I am simply waiting for you to
join Me in the journey?
there is a door, My Child,
and it is open for you now.
I understand your fears and doubts,
yet you must trust that I have placed
the desire, the burning, the passion
within you and by faith you must take
the first step for I will not part the water
until you get your feet wet.
and never will I drag you
into that for which I
have called you.
you fear getting ahead of Me.
hear Me, Child.
I would much rather
have to gently draw
you back a bit and
slow your pace
than have to
reignite the flame within!
for that is what will happen.
by waiting and contemplating
and yes, even praying more,
you will go nowhere and the flame
will slowly die out.
oh not by the bucketful,
but by drop after drop after drop
of doubt and fear and questioning,
the flame will be extinguished.
the time is now.
and I am for you,
not against you,
so step out and
follow your heart
for I am leading
your heart
and where I am leading,
I already am.
so just when you've convinced
yourself that you've pretty much
got it together,
the glue comes loose,
the duct tape falls off.
and you know.
and even if you
already knew
that you didn't
have it together,
at least most of world
living outside of you
thought you did.
until this moment.
and your moment
is different from
my moment, and
the other person's
moment is different
from yours or mine and
so on and so on.
and in all reality,
does it matter what
exactly caused the
no. it simply
matters that the
the moment exists.
why? you might ask.
what is significant about
the moment when the
mask is removed
and the truth is known?
(although not every person
has had a moment,
I believe most of us have,
or will have at some point)
and the importance is this...
when we realize
when we accept
that we can no longer
pretend to have it all together
a burden is released.
a weight falls off our shoulders.
for is it not exhausting to live in a
we. can. be. real.
we can allow ourselves to be
vulnerable and honest.
not only with others,
but even more
crucial, we
can be honest
with God.
He knew all along,
for He knows all.
yet He patiently
waits for each heart
to wave the white flag of
surrender and begin the process
that leads to ultimate healing and
redemption so beautiful in Him.
and. it. can. happen.
I know. I've lived it.
and I had a choice to make...
we all have a choice to make.
(often more than once)
do we want to open doors most
likely holding pain
but which will lead
to healing,
or do we
want to push it all aside and
begin a new masquerade?
duct tape and glue are always
an option,
but to use them
again and again brings
a heaviness and hopelessness.
God doesn't ask for hearts
for lives
to be without
a need for glue
and duct tape...
He simply asks
that we lay the
broken pieces
of who we are
in His hands.
He will gently hold
and heal and love.
and through the
cracks and chips
of our imperfection
His light will shine.
He heals the brokenhearted
and bandages their wounds.
Psalm 147:3