Monday, July 20, 2015

for such a time as this


                                   how does one know when
                                      the time of 
                                         for such a time as this
                                            has come?
                                       I guess one must 
                                     first define "this"
                                   for if you know not
                                 that for which the time
                               may or may not have come
                             how would you know if the time
                           had or had not come?

                                       yet on the other hand
                                       is knowledge of "this"
                                       really of significance?
                               for if I look in the Bible at those
                           for whom the time had come
                       for such a time as this to happen
                   did they really know in advance
                what it is that God had for them?
                       for sometimes a little knowledge
                              can be a dangerous thing
                                      and does not God love to
                                            do what we least 
                                            expect at a time
                                            when we least
                                            expect using those
                                            we would least expect?

                         perhaps the details and timing
                            are not the issue...
                               perhaps rather
                                  simply being ready
                                     for anything
                                     at anytime
                                     is what He asks of us
                                and if we are searching
                            and seeking and longing
                       to know Him more deeply   
                       to hear Him more clearly
                   will we not find ourselves always ready
                            for such a time as this?
                             and this is my prayer
                       "and I will give them singleness of
                            heart and put a new spirit
                                within them." Ezekiel 11:19a



1 comment:

  1. Amen, for such a time as this your Father is using you!
