Monday, August 1, 2016

something is not the same.

seasons come when the heart is left with more questions than answers...something has changed...something is missing...
something is not the same...and when that something slips between the fingers oh so gradually, the heart may not see the change or feel the change or identify the change until it has changed and the heart feels empty and f  r    a  gm  e n  t e  d...and this particular heart is susceptible...and depression can shadow the heart without that heart even realizing...and addiction can be rooted oh so deeply...chains broken? absolutely. struggles? absolutely. for perfection becomes reality only when the heart ceases to beat here on earth and beats in wholeness and beauty in heaven...for now the struggle is real...but herein lies the beauty...the heart does not struggle alone...and this heart no longer struggles for freedom but rather has been freed to struggle...and this heart's struggles are multifaceted and multilayered and multidimensional...some obvious...others not so much...and oh so gently He reminds...He alone is the source of identity...of worth...of value...and He truly is enough...He reminds...even that which appears to be lacking or deficient is actually a thing of beauty in His eyes...He reminds...even limitations have purpose and He asks if this heart will grow in grace and beauty right where placed...with what He has given...leaving the guilt and comparisons and regrets at the cross...and as He holds the heart so tenderly, He whispers of acceptance and no shame and DNA designed oh so intricately by His hand from before time even began...and of love. glorious. furious. tender. love.

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