Tuesday, June 7, 2016

stunning promises Psalm 40:1-3

                         I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
                              and he turned to me and heard my cry.
                         He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
                              out of the mud and the mire.
                         He set my feet on solid ground
                              and steadied me as I walked along.
                         He has given me a new song to sing,
                              a hymn of praise to our God.
                         Many will see what he has done and be
                              They will put their trust in the Lord.
                                                         Psalm 40:1-3

                                              promises absolutely stunning
                                         yet so often read without
                                     really absorbing. 
                                  and I am guilty.
                                 a shepherd turned king listened as
                                     the Spirit whispered to his heart
                                          words that would reverberate
                                               through the centuries from
                                                    heart to heart to heart.
                                               the Creator of galaxies and
                                           planets and clouds and storms
                                        wind and seasons and sunrises
                                     and sunsets and mountains and
                                  rivers and oceans and deserts and
                               animals and birds and flowers and
                               every heart and life ever lived,
                               ever lives and ever will live.
                               this God turns toward the
                               heart crying out and He
                               hears and listens!

                       and He acts, for love is a verb.
                   He lifts the crying heart from the pit.
               and oh the variety of pits a beating heart
                is prone to either falling into or being
                    thrown into or stumbling or jumping
                        or however the pit becomes home.
                            and some pits are home for
                                so long that they become
                                    a strange type of comfort.

                          (this heart has spent far too much time
                              in the past calling pits home)

                                          and He doesn't stop there!
                                      no ~ He sets us on our feet
                                 and steadies us much as a
                            parent steadies a baby learning to walk.
                                this is the infinite love of our Abba.

                                     and He still doesn't stop there!
                                 He gives the heart a song to sing ~
                              a new song of praise to the One
                              who rescues.
                              and the blessing comes
                              full circle when those who
                                  are observing, whether directly
                                      or indirectly, see the change in 
                                           the heart now free and are
                                                and many will believe.

                                and perhaps most astounding?
                           because of grace, no pit is too deep.
                               that He cannot reach.
                                    no pit is too dark
                                         that His light cannot pierce.
                                              no stay is too long that He
                                                   cannot redeem.
                                                        and grace does not
                                                        keep count of how
                                                        often we end up
                                                        in either pits of
                                                        our own making
                                                        or those made
                                                        for us.
                                         this is the beauty of grace.
                                     it knows no boundaries.
                                  it knows no limits. 
                              all because of Jesus.
                                Jesus. only Jesus.


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