beautiful for its own time
He has planted eternity
in the human heart but
even so people cannot
see the whole scope of
God's work from
Ecclesiastes 3:11
has your heart ever wondered?
has your heart ever questioned
God's timing?
my heart has.
my heart does.
for my heart is human
and I cannot see that which
my Abba sees in completion
for He is God
and I am not.
and He knows me.
He knows my heart.
He knows your heart.
and He loves us still.
and He sees the stunning
that is my life. and your life.
He sees and hears and knows
because He is the Artist.
the Author.
the Composer.
and timing,
be it in a plot
or a painting or a song,
is of the essence.
oh but how easy for this heart
to lose sight of who holds
the timing of all creation
in His hands!
and gently He reminds me.
"My beloved child,
I am the one who taught the morning stars
how to sing.
I am the one who set the planets in motion
and hung each star, calling it by name.
I am the one who composed every song
of every life.
every heart ever beating
beats to the rhythm of My heart,
for My heartbeat underlies all.
I long for you to live in the assurance
that My timing is perfect in perfection.
absolutely nothing catches Me off guard,
for how could the Author of the story
not know each intimate detail?
how could the Artist not feel
with such tenderness each
stroke of the brush?
and how could the Composer
not hear with striking clarity
each note of each life song
that He composed?
I. know. you.
I know
your circumstances this
very moment!
I know your needs and wants
and dreams and desires
and passions and gifts.
and I know your doubts
and fears and broken spaces
and weaknesses and imperfections.
and I love you more than you will
ever know. ever.
so place your very life into My arms of love.
I. will. never. let. you. down.
My plans and purposes
are for hope.
and for beauty.
and since I am for you,
no one or thing can be against you.
ever. because you are Mine."

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