Wednesday, October 29, 2014

His whisper

"My child,
as you walk through these 3 days
remembering each detail
the pain overwhelming
the loss unbearable..
one year ago
as each moment passed
from beginning to end
I heard your cries
praying for the miracle
I would certainly bring
the story
the testimony of healing
that Autumn would share for the rest of her life

I was there, My child
My own tears were falling as My precious Autumn
was hurt so unfairly
you wonder why I did not intervene
at that very moment
I did, My child...
I held her close as you rushed to pick her up
I then held you close as you held her close
I held her daddy close as she clung to him
I held her as the doctors and nurses
did all they could to save her precious life
I wiped your tears as you
watched in helplessness -
for how else can a parent feel
when the very life is slipping
out of their little girl

I was in the hospital room
as all who loved her gathered around
gentle touches of tender love
one moment hope rising
next moment hearts sinking
My presence filled the room
My grace
My peace
My mercy
permeated all

I heard your cries to heal her

to not take her from you
My own heart was broken
as you laid in her bed feeling
her little heartbeat slowing
to a stop
I was there when her tiny heart
began to beat in your womb
I was there when her 3 year old heart
took its final beat
I was there with arms open wide
I lifted her from her broken body 
carrying her toward the light so blinding
and as she entered the indescribable beauty that is heaven
she could not help but stand in wide-eyed wonder
then singing
twirling in circles
running and playing in My love light
standing again in awe as she gazed into My eyes
worshiping me as only Autumn could
smiling her infectious smile
laughing with sheer joy

you still wonder why...
some things are not for you to know, My child
what you see now is as through a glass darkly
one day it will be crystal clear
yet for today I give you promises to hang onto...
to wrap your hearts around

I healed Autumn, My beloved one

I healed her in the most perfect way possible
I made her whole and complete
never to suffer
never to cry
never to fear
she needs no night light
for there is no darkness
her testimony
her story
her life
are being told in ways 
in her 3 short yet full years
in her tragic death
those who needed to know My love
have come
have been touched by Autumn
those who strayed from Me
were reminded of the true meaning of life in Me
through little Autumn...

her story will live on forever
her laughter fills heaven
her dancing enthralls all

listen closely My child
listen for the wind
hear the gentle rain
see the rainbow stretching from earth to heaven to earth
see the leaves of green turn golden red in the setting sun
hear the silence of snow softly falling
and know that Autumn is still with you
and know that I am whispering your name
you are Mine and I love you
never will I leave you or forsake you
when the night is so dark
hear Me singing over you
when the day is overwhelming
your heart too broken to breathe
feel My arms
sink into them
rest your head on My shoulder
and I will give you rest
because My love for you is
wider than your mind can conceive
the day will come when you see
and hold your precious Autumn again
until that day live with her memory
giving you hope
know I am holding you
just as I am holding her

My purposes are from before time began
I will bring beauty from brokenness 
joy from sadness
as My plan unfolds
for all to see...