Wednesday, July 18, 2018

if you had told me - fingerprints

have you ever
 had of those
 "if you had told 
me a year ago 
 I would be here, 
 doing this or that,
 I would not have
 believed you"
 I have. 
most likely
 you have as well.

 one of the most
 beautiful aspects
 of these moments is 
being able to look back 
and trace the fingerprints
 of the One who knew
from before time
 exactly where I 
would be today, 
doing exactly 
what I am doing.

when I look at 
the once strangers
 now friends in my life,
 I am in awe of how
 intricately God
 weaves our 

  with one decision, 
 often an act of
 to a place 
  He is calling, 
 a whole new
 world is opened 
and you find
 in the place of
 "if you had told me".

"You saw me before I was born!
       Every day of my life was recorded
             in your book.
Every moment was laid out
       before a single day had passed!"
                          Psalm 139:16

how stunning!
how breathtaking!
God saw me and
God saw you
 long before
 time began!

the Creator of all
 loved every heart
that did beat,
 beats today, 
or is yet to beat, 
even before 
the first star was 
placed in the
 night sky or 
to form land and sea.

and another beauty?

 when we miss
those moments
designed for us by
the hand of God,
and no doubt,
I have missed many,
still He works in us
and through us
in spaces
least expected.

nothing catches
Him off guard.

my heart has
found many homes.
my spirit beats
for many

the most recent?
 most unexpected?
 behind prison walls.
there I have found
grace and mercy
and the Spirit
of our God
shining in
so dark.
worship rises
from hearts
broken hearts
are preparing
to be leaders in 
urban churches.


here my heart
has found
a home
 and nothing
 the enemy
throws my way,
(and he has  
been throwing)
 will ever remove
the passion from 
 my heart for 
the prisoner.

and the gates
of hell will
not prevail!

so trace the
of the One who
has your name
and my name
written on
His hands.

you will
see a design
so intricate
as to take





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