have you ever felt at a loss?
have you ever experienced restlessness?
have you ever wondered about your purpose?
most likely most people
have been at this place,
some in passing,
others in staying,
most of us in between
the extremes.
and really, is that not
where most of life is lived?
and what causes this lostness
or restlessness
or purposelessness?
perhaps a loss or a gain
or a change or a new season
or a desert time.
whatever the reason,
you are there.
I am there.
now what?
how can
one keep
from losing hope
in this place of disquiet?
how can one keep from measuring
worth based on what one is doing
or not doing in Kingdom work?

when I open my eyes so I can hear,
when I open my ears so I can see,
when I quiet my heart so it can
He gently whispers,
"I saved you by My grace
when you believed.
And you can't take
credit for this;
it is a gift from Me.
Salvation is not a reward
for the good things you have done,
so you cannot boast about it.
You are My masterpiece.
I have created you anew in Christ Jesus,
so you can do the good things I planned for
you long ago."
(from Ephesians 2:8-10)
and He reminds me that
I am where I am for a reason.
and He reminds me
that there is an enemy
in the realm of the unseen
whose objective is to convince
me otherwise.
and perhaps, just perhaps,
He is using this season to
prepare me for what yet
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